New studies on tinnitus are leading to New Treatment Options

Man gets tinnitus relief with hearing aids.

Tinnitus is not new. But it may be the first time you have had to deal with it. Usually, though not always, tinnitus presents as an incessant buzzing or ringing in the ears. Sometimes, the sound is really overwhelming. However tinnitus manifests for you, this point is probably true: if tinnitus is troubling you, you might be searching for some new ways to deal with your symptoms.

In that, you’re in luck because while tinnitus doesn’t yet have a universal cure, there are a few new treatments that can help you deal with symptoms. Certain of those therapies even concern your tongue.

The Newest Way to Handle Tinnitus

Arguably the newest tinnitus therapy to hit our radar does indeed offer quite a bit of potential, even if it seems a little strange initially. This device, developed at the Trinity College School of Medicine in Dublin, stimulates both the tongue and ear. Bi-modal neurostimulation is the technical term for this technique.

The results were rather striking with this device according to the first tests. 12 weeks was about how long most people were treated. Within those 12 months, those same individuals noted a dramatic reduction in tinnitus symptoms. But this kind of therapy is still in testing and not generally available yet.

How Can I Find Relief From my Tinnitus Now?

Regrettably, it will probably be quite some time before novel therapies such as this are broadly accessible. So maybe you’re wondering what you can do now to help deal with your tinnitus.

Luckily, there are some newer tinnitus therapy devices on the market now. And the most common way to handle your tinnitus is a modern hearing aid.

It works like this:

Everyday sounds are boosted by hearing aids. One reason why tinnitus is more obvious as you lose your hearing is that the stays loud while everything else becomes quieter. A hearing aid can raise the volume on the rest of the audio spectrum. By boosting the volume of outside sounds, your tinnitus sounds will often disappear into the background.

Your hearing aid can mask the noise. If your hearing loss is relatively minor, then a masking device might be the best way to address your symptoms. A masking device basically looks like a hearing aid. And many hearing aids can be augmented with masking technology. This technology will produce sounds specially designed to mask your tinnitus symptoms. Sometimes this will be a tone, in other situations, it might be some white noise. Whatever will best hide the ringing in your ears.

Needless to say, this is only a starting point. We can help you discover the best option for you so get in touch with us.

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